Painting is my passion, next to family. Give me an old, tired, cast off piece of furniture, a piece of sandpaper, a can or two of spray paint, and a little imagination and I will give you a surprise.
I wanted to share some of the tired furniture pieces that I have revived but I am terrible at taking those before pictures. I get so excited to begin the transformation process that I forget to honor the item as it is. I do apologize to the hundreds of chairs, tables, frames, headboards, dressers, night stands and decorative accessories whose original condition has gone undocumented. My gratitude for the fun and function you have brought to my home (and many of my children's as well) over the years is genuine.
Now on with the picture show.
This is the guest guest bedroom five plus years ago. I can't believe I'm even showing you this. Yikes!

This what it looked like three months ago shortly before I asked you for suggestions to spice it up.
This is what it looked like this morning. I am still working on a few things. But I always do that - tweak it here, tuck it there, add a pillow to the bed, or detail to the furniture.
I bought this piece of junk plastic drum table for $10.00 at a second hand store.
He-man-hubby wondered what in tarnation I was going to do with it. It sat on our patio for two months before it found it's new look and new home in the grand daughter's bedroom. You wouldn't know it was the same piece... some apple green spray paint and two adorable flower painted knobs and a star is born!
I found an old sideboard at the Salvation Army. I painted it white and tried my hand at distressing the finish. I think I would rather paint it a bright color so that the detail pops. The chair in the corner is an old sewing chair and the picture hanging below my sale bin flowers was painted by my Great Aunt. Guess that means it's vintage.
Now take a look at this corner. I painted the mirror hot pink, the chair apple green and added a lamp shade from my pile of "I'll use that for something someday" fabric pieces.
I purchased this chair seven years ago at a fund raiser for a non profit. The legs were wrapped with thin strips of leather and it was dirty with a dull flaky finish.
I had painted it white as shown in one of the above pictures and then when I added some spice to the bedroom this chair had to have some color.
Oops! I didn't paint the inside of the drawer. Busted!!
Daughter-in-law gave me this side table she got at a garage sale. First I did the shabby Chic thing and it looked great. But I'm not much of a shabby Chic gal... at least not in this house. I think it would be great in a farmhouse, but our house is not that style.
Later I painted it trendy turquoise. It still didn't feel right.
Finally I decided to go with the same color as our living room walls. I like it's soft neutral look.
Well that does it for today. I have several projects in waiting but will show you those at a later time.
Sunshine and I painted her bedroom last weekend and are working on the fun details now. I'll post those pictures when we get it to her satisfaction.
Thanks for visiting my world.
Great job. You remind me of Delora. She loved working on something old and making it new. Love your Mum