One of the most fun for me as grandmother is buying presents for my grandchildren that I didn't afford my children as mother. Back in the day when I was rearing babies and pulling cotton, I designed and sewed most of our children's clothes which I thought were absolutely adorable. Only after they had grown and left home did I find out that they thought the whole "matchy-matchy" thing appalling. Fortunately, a good therapist and having children of their own has given them a greater understanding and a slice of appreciation for growing up in a rural home with hippie parents in the 70's. However, my son still reminds me from time to time that he did not find dressing in short pants made from the same fabric as his sister's dresses
adorable at all.
Taking full liberty as grandma, I now go for the gusto and buy my grandchildren matchy, patchy, snatchy clothes on any occasion I consider special. Which is any time I want.

Off to the Tulsa mall I wandered the other day to discover racks and racks and racks of little girl's Easter dresses. "Hum," I thought. "Wouldn't it be fun to send a flower garden to Anna, Kate and Molly?" So I picked a colorful bouquet to be packed off to three little girls still wrapped in a Wyoming winter wardrobe.
I plucked a large pink chrysanthemum for Anna,
a wildflower arrangement for Kate
and party balloons for Molly.
Of course I had to add a few other flowers for a bit of interest...purple delight for Anna, orange marmalade for Kate and yellow sunshine for Molly.
Now that ought to bring some color into those snowy mountains!
Happy Easter my lovely
grand daughters!
And all the adult children may wear whatever they want
absolutley no matching required.
Dear Bumblebees, love having you for a few days. The shower was fun and we look forward to whatever tody before you leave. Love, Mum