Routine appeals to me. I have a mourning routine that I follow every day. There are some days that I can not because of travel or early morning grandchild-care needs, or babies being born. But I am able to go without my familiar morning routine more easily because I follow it.
I wake early anywhere between 4:30 and 5:00 am. I love mornings. No, I mean it. I really LOVE mornings. For me it feels fresh, with a calm anticipation of life unfolding. Now, I know all you night prowlers won't relate. I am married to a night prowler, but we have learned how to blend our differences and even appreciate them.
I begin every morning similar to the routine I began as a freshman in college. Of course I have tweaked it over the years, adding or subtracting as the seasons of my life have evolved. In today's season it goes something like this .....30 to 45 minutes of exercise followed by a brief book study, followed by 20 minutes of meditation followed by a cup of fresh perked coffee, a bowl of grapes and 30 minutes of viewing some of my favorite recorded television shows - mostly decorating series, but also Oprah, American Idol and Dancing with the Stars.
This morning during my meditation time I could hear the birds singing with unusual volume. It sounded like every bird in our housing addition had congregated in our front courtyard for a neighborhood symphony. After a few minutes the volume diminished or the gathered brood decreased, I don't know which and a lovely tree top lullaby lead me through the rest of my quiet sit.
I find it interesting that I call it a quiet sit because it is rarely quiet. When I first began I had to practice quieting the constant chatter in my head... well at least recognizing it and then letting it flow by, knowing that it would return to me if I really needed it. After years of sitting, I have noticed that even air has a sound. Silence is not silent at all. It is filled with miraculous wonders that I was unaware of before I began to really listen.
I digress... (my ADD traits)... back to the birds. I have developed an admiration and appreciation for birds. Their song leads me to Divine Discovery every morning. The way they float upon the air gives me a clue that something I can not see is supporting me. Observing their clearly designated roles as male and female brings me to a higher appreciation of my union with he-man and how we have naturally placed ourselves into our own comfortable roles as husband and wife. I think that nurture, protection, sustenance and cooperation might be elemental characteristics of the bird's natural state. Hum. Maybe mine too.
We used to have hundreds of birds flying about our back yard. But since the big Oklahoma ice storm took down many mature trees our bird population has diminished.
He-man hubby has been talking of putting up a bird feeder for a few years now (how fast time flies (no pun intended) the older we grow) and he finally did it this week.
It took a few days for the birds to visit the hanging buffet, but now they are eating like gluttons.
While I am perfectly content to watch the birds ALL my grandchildren think that I need to have a dog. When they come to our house they ask me if they can be my pet ie: black bear, cougar, German shepherd, calico cat, or hyena. Some of which don't sound like a pet to me, but they are enamored with animals and believe that he-man hubby and I should have several.
I discovered exactly how big of a deal this pet issue was to our grandchildren when one day Bluebird (grand daughter number 1) took me aside and said, "Yaya, I have been thinking and thinking about what kind of a pet you might like. And it finally came into my head. I thought of it at school today and could hardly wait to get home so I could call and tell you my idea. But my mom told me we were coming to your house tonight so I just waited to tell you in your face."
Her large brown eyes got even larger as she delivered her epiphany. "I think you should have a bird. You could keep it in a cute little bird cage. You wouldn't have to take it outside to use the potty, or pick up dog poop, cause you just put paper in the bottom of the cage. And you wouldn't have to worry about building a fence to keep it in the yard. You wouldn't have to vacuum up hair because it has feathers that you can see when they fall out. And I know what kind of a bird you should get".

She paused slightly, becoming even more excited and animated and then she shouted. "A bluebird! Yaya your pet should be a bluebird because it would look great in your house."
Now this little girl knows my priorities. Guess you know now why I call her bluebird.
She captures my attention by the way she moves in this world and the constant song of confidence she sings. She depends on something other than contemporary wisdom to support her and is forever offering her unique flutter to others. And the best thing is I don't need a pet because I already have granddaughter number 1.
I pray you allow the unique song of your soul to lead you this day. And if you cannot hear its call, I pray that a special little bluebird might fly into your world to show you the way.
I wake early anywhere between 4:30 and 5:00 am. I love mornings. No, I mean it. I really LOVE mornings. For me it feels fresh, with a calm anticipation of life unfolding. Now, I know all you night prowlers won't relate. I am married to a night prowler, but we have learned how to blend our differences and even appreciate them.
I begin every morning similar to the routine I began as a freshman in college. Of course I have tweaked it over the years, adding or subtracting as the seasons of my life have evolved. In today's season it goes something like this .....30 to 45 minutes of exercise followed by a brief book study, followed by 20 minutes of meditation followed by a cup of fresh perked coffee, a bowl of grapes and 30 minutes of viewing some of my favorite recorded television shows - mostly decorating series, but also Oprah, American Idol and Dancing with the Stars.
This morning during my meditation time I could hear the birds singing with unusual volume. It sounded like every bird in our housing addition had congregated in our front courtyard for a neighborhood symphony. After a few minutes the volume diminished or the gathered brood decreased, I don't know which and a lovely tree top lullaby lead me through the rest of my quiet sit.
I find it interesting that I call it a quiet sit because it is rarely quiet. When I first began I had to practice quieting the constant chatter in my head... well at least recognizing it and then letting it flow by, knowing that it would return to me if I really needed it. After years of sitting, I have noticed that even air has a sound. Silence is not silent at all. It is filled with miraculous wonders that I was unaware of before I began to really listen.
I digress... (my ADD traits)... back to the birds. I have developed an admiration and appreciation for birds. Their song leads me to Divine Discovery every morning. The way they float upon the air gives me a clue that something I can not see is supporting me. Observing their clearly designated roles as male and female brings me to a higher appreciation of my union with he-man and how we have naturally placed ourselves into our own comfortable roles as husband and wife. I think that nurture, protection, sustenance and cooperation might be elemental characteristics of the bird's natural state. Hum. Maybe mine too.
We used to have hundreds of birds flying about our back yard. But since the big Oklahoma ice storm took down many mature trees our bird population has diminished.
He-man hubby has been talking of putting up a bird feeder for a few years now (how fast time flies (no pun intended) the older we grow) and he finally did it this week.
It took a few days for the birds to visit the hanging buffet, but now they are eating like gluttons.
Scoping Out the Joint |
Moving Closer |
Just Tasting a Few Kernels |
Full Throttle A "Head" |
Even Mama Came for a Bite |
Shake Your Wild Thing |
While I am perfectly content to watch the birds ALL my grandchildren think that I need to have a dog. When they come to our house they ask me if they can be my pet ie: black bear, cougar, German shepherd, calico cat, or hyena. Some of which don't sound like a pet to me, but they are enamored with animals and believe that he-man hubby and I should have several.
I discovered exactly how big of a deal this pet issue was to our grandchildren when one day Bluebird (grand daughter number 1) took me aside and said, "Yaya, I have been thinking and thinking about what kind of a pet you might like. And it finally came into my head. I thought of it at school today and could hardly wait to get home so I could call and tell you my idea. But my mom told me we were coming to your house tonight so I just waited to tell you in your face."
Her large brown eyes got even larger as she delivered her epiphany. "I think you should have a bird. You could keep it in a cute little bird cage. You wouldn't have to take it outside to use the potty, or pick up dog poop, cause you just put paper in the bottom of the cage. And you wouldn't have to worry about building a fence to keep it in the yard. You wouldn't have to vacuum up hair because it has feathers that you can see when they fall out. And I know what kind of a bird you should get".
She paused slightly, becoming even more excited and animated and then she shouted. "A bluebird! Yaya your pet should be a bluebird because it would look great in your house."
Now this little girl knows my priorities. Guess you know now why I call her bluebird.
She captures my attention by the way she moves in this world and the constant song of confidence she sings. She depends on something other than contemporary wisdom to support her and is forever offering her unique flutter to others. And the best thing is I don't need a pet because I already have granddaughter number 1.
I pray you allow the unique song of your soul to lead you this day. And if you cannot hear its call, I pray that a special little bluebird might fly into your world to show you the way.
So beautiful. Pop and I felt moved by your beautiful words. What a marvelous time to be livig when we can keep in touch with many. You are constantly blessing us. Love, Mom and Pop