Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I was thrilled to wake up the other morning and see that it had rained.  Yahoo!  Actual rain that left water on our patio. 

We hadn't seen moisture like that for weeks and weeks.  Our daily temps have been well over one hundred.  Our lawn is brown.  Dried leaves have fallen from our trees.  A hot, weary, sadness has taken up residence in our backyard. 

I was beginning to feel like one of the characters from the Grapes of Wrath living in a dust bowl and then I noticed that the morning sky was darker than usual.  I peeked out the window and that's when I saw it ---- water.

Immediately I went outside to document the rare occurrence of clouds and puddles.

Amazing that one would get so worked up over a bit of moisture marking the cement, but this was a BIG moment, definitely worthy of my novice photo-journaling.

Actual rain drops hung from our glass patio table and if you look closely you can see the clouds above reflected on the surface below.

I had to document standing water on the outdoor furniture.  Even a tiny puddle nestled in the dented arm of our chair was a valuable find.  That eenzy puddle is enough to quench the thirst of one blue jay.

But it wouldn't be needed because even our birdbath got filled that morning.  I was so happy to know that the tiny fliers would have water fresh from the heavens. 

Later that morning I went to Clarehouse and was moved to record the beauty I found there as well.

Hydrangeas were still sporting

 vibrantly colored blossoms

and setting on new buds.

Daises held their heads high, peeking from behind the ornamental grasses.

A winding path beckoned me to come hither and sit a spell under the shade of the oaks.  But alas, I had to go inside to greet those who came to visit.

Next time I will take you up the path to the little chapel he-man built.  It's there in the distance, sheltered by the trees and embraced by the breeze.

Thanks for visiting.  For those of you who are experiencing unfamiliar heat, dry lawns and falling leaves, I hope you find a place of refreshment today.  For those of you who are experiencing abundant water flowing high on river banks and fast down mountain slopes, I hope you are safe and dry.  I hope something unexpected delights you today, even in the tiniest of puddles. 

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