Little Miss Boo is three months and one week old. She is changing every day, like all babies do. She used to sleep all the time. Now she stays awake more and more. She smiles and coos and blows bubbles. She is easy going and cries only when hungry or wet and she seems to be hungry often. Boo is getting so round that it is hard to find her neck. Her mom tells me that it takes her several minutes to clean all her creases and folds where Boo stores left-over formula and runaway tears.
Many times Boo lays on the sofa watching the comings and goings of the five other creatures living in her home.
Sometimes she can't believe her baby blue eyes.

Sometimes the creatures make her laugh out loud.
And sometimes all she can do is smack her licks in disbelief.
She likes to sit on her mom's lap and listen to the adults talk.
Boo is taken with he-man's stories. When he is talking she pays attention to his every sound and watches him as if he were telling her that the formula company might be going on strike.
Whatever Boo is learning it is apparent that she is on the fast track. When I have not seen her for only a few days, I notice how she has changed.
She is beginning to know my voice and she smiles when I talk to her. Of course I use my best baby ooy, gooy, voice that I can deliver. Sometimes I wonder if Boo is not smiling at me but laughing at the silly sounds coming out of my mouth. Do you think adult baby talk is the same language as authentic baby talk? For all I know I could be cursing when I think I'm cooing.
Oh well, Boo is very forgiving. All I need do is serve her up a warmed six ounces of formula and we are tighter than tight.
I hope you have little reason to fuss today. I hope you are comfortable, dry and filled with nourishment. I hope you have someone in your life who you can speak freely with no matter how you sound or what you say.
Many times Boo lays on the sofa watching the comings and goings of the five other creatures living in her home.
Sometimes she can't believe her baby blue eyes.
Sometimes the creatures make her laugh out loud.
And sometimes all she can do is smack her licks in disbelief.
She likes to sit on her mom's lap and listen to the adults talk.
Boo is taken with he-man's stories. When he is talking she pays attention to his every sound and watches him as if he were telling her that the formula company might be going on strike.
Whatever Boo is learning it is apparent that she is on the fast track. When I have not seen her for only a few days, I notice how she has changed.
She is beginning to know my voice and she smiles when I talk to her. Of course I use my best baby ooy, gooy, voice that I can deliver. Sometimes I wonder if Boo is not smiling at me but laughing at the silly sounds coming out of my mouth. Do you think adult baby talk is the same language as authentic baby talk? For all I know I could be cursing when I think I'm cooing.
Oh well, Boo is very forgiving. All I need do is serve her up a warmed six ounces of formula and we are tighter than tight.
I hope you have little reason to fuss today. I hope you are comfortable, dry and filled with nourishment. I hope you have someone in your life who you can speak freely with no matter how you sound or what you say.
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