TJ called to tell me of her Saturday morning. Seems that the girls, Cautious. Sparky and Muffin decided to have a garage sale. They rose early... 6:30 a.m. early... got dressed and began making signs and deciding what items they would sale. They attached labels with prices clearly marked, like, $2.17 for an old toy, $1.99 for a shoe, and $4.00 for an old t-shirt they pulled out of mom and dad's rag bag.
Muffin was dressed in a tutu and cowboy boots. She carried her fisher price cash register in her arms as she walked up and down the sidewalk announcing the sale. Her cash register had a feature that amplified her voice, which she used to her advantage as she paraded in front of her house, hoping to bring in some high-paying customers. (you gotta be a high-payer if you'll give 4 bucks for an old rag)
Since I was not there to take pictures, I have to wonder....

was this the tutu
Cautious had convinced her sisters that they needed a DSI (a hand held digital game player). Cautious had little money, but Sparky had about $40.00 saved. I'm not sure what Muffin's contribution amounted to, but all three girls pooled their loot and it added up to about $50.00 which was not enough for the coveted DSI. Cautious knew of a great way to make money. You guessed it.... a garage sale!
Muffin was dressed in a tutu and cowboy boots. She carried her fisher price cash register in her arms as she walked up and down the sidewalk announcing the sale. Her cash register had a feature that amplified her voice, which she used to her advantage as she paraded in front of her house, hoping to bring in some high-paying customers. (you gotta be a high-payer if you'll give 4 bucks for an old rag)
Since I was not there to take pictures, I have to wonder....
was this the tutu
and these the cowboy boots?
Cautious had convinced her sisters that they needed a DSI (a hand held digital game player). Cautious had little money, but Sparky had about $40.00 saved. I'm not sure what Muffin's contribution amounted to, but all three girls pooled their loot and it added up to about $50.00 which was not enough for the coveted DSI. Cautious knew of a great way to make money. You guessed it.... a garage sale!
Mom woke the next morning to find the girls uncombed, unsupervised and in full selling force.
Sparky had a toy microphone that she was using to inform the passerby to stop and browse.
Cautious and Sparky had posted signs in hand written letters, "Yard Sail", to direct any neighborhood traffic to their driveway. They had placed a variety of items on the drive. Each item had a hand made price tag secured with tape.
Wow, these girls had already put in a days work before breakfast!
And Muffin was using her best marketing-strategies (like tutus, smiles and big brown eyes) to secure the sale.
After about an hour or so, they all got tired and decided it was time to close up shop. Tomorrow would be a good day to sale lemonade. (I don't know if they read the forecast, but Laramie, Wyoming's high for tomorrow is going to be 70...maybe)
Their Saturday morning efforts did net them four dollars and six cents. I can't wait to hear what money making venture will be next. In the meantime, mom, better unload the hamper in case they decide on another early bird sail.
I hope your Sunday greets you with something that tickles your heart. I hope your hard work nets a profit. I hope sunny skies are in your forecast and I hope your imagination never dies.
Too cute!!