Our family uses most any excuse to have a party. Birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, births.... are the expected events. But every once in a while the mere glory of victory promotes an occasion worthy of celebration.
JD has spent the last six months with his nose in a book, his ear tuned into a recording, his hands flipping through note cards, his dreams filled with numbers and his focus on one goal ....... ........ ....... passing the Lieutenant's exam for the BA Fire Department.

It is a comprehensive test of mechanical aptitude, written expression, math, judgment, reasoning, mapping, pressures, visualization and a whole lot more that I know nothing about.
At 8:00 a.m. on October 24 JD went to the testing site and we all hit our knees, praying for a successful outcome. Six hours later we learned that not only did JD pass, he received the highest test score out of the forty applicants.
We were ecstatic! Not because he passed.... nor that he got the highest score. Although both were celebration worthy. But because we knew how strongly he desired to become a Lieutenant, and we witnessed the enormous amount of effort he extended to make it happen.
So naturally there was only one thing left to do and that was ..... PARTY!!!
These are the required ingredients on He-man's list for a party...
beer, crackers and summer sausage.
These are the ingredients I use to fashion a party..... a decorated table,
...a personalized pinata, loaded with party favors
...steak and potatoes for the Celelbrantee (my own word, again)
and games.
Everyone got a chance to swing the stick until the pinata was broken
and loot covered the floor.
If the following picture looks like a blur it's because it was.
9. I am grateful for desire that demands our best efforts
I hope you woke up happy. I hope you swing as hard as you can to break open the life that you want. I hope you celebrate.
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