My he-man husband and I went to watch our four-year-old grandson's first T-ball game. It's baseball with no pitcher to speak of. The players hit a ball perched atop a tube about waist high and attached to a wide base... thus the name "T" ball. I remember watching our own children play baseball (before the days of T-ball) and it was always entertaining - better than most comedic scripts. And Eli's game did not disappoint. Nothing like unbridled, pure, innocent, entertainment to make one's heart smile.

The "Little Rascals" baseball team had a difficult time hearing the coaches when they instructed them to only have one player go after a ball hit into the outfield by the opposing team. Those exurberant rascals would pounce on the ball like the defensive line piles on a receiver. It was hilarious! They simply couldn't contain their excitement when a ball sailed through the air. After all it was what the coach told them to do, "Catch the ball," right? And while the coach reminded them that only ONE person was to catch the ball, they assumed they were the ONE.
Isn't it great to witness a young child being who they are---- not yet overly consumed if who they are measures up to the standards of any outside influence. Even T-ball. When you think about it, the name of the game is not that specific. It isn't T-Baseball or T-Football.... it's just T-ball. That certainly leaves a lot of room for interpretation. And even a lot more room for uninhibited fun!
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