Friday, June 3, 2011

Whispering Good Bye

One day a week I clean house for B and her adorable family, whom I have come to love like my own.  I began cleaning because after retirement, I needed something to get me out of my house and, believe it or not, I like to clean.

I like how an unmade bed can go from unwelcoming to inviting by smoothing out the sheets and piling on the pillows. I like how a kitchen can move from cluttered to cared-for by washing the dishes and wiping the counters.
B's bedroom before me

B's bedroom after me
B's living room before me

B's living room after me

B's shower before me

B's shower after me

I also love houses.  I like spending time inside each room, studying the architecture, feeling the volume, peering out the windows and reading the story of the people who hang their hats there.

The first thing you see when you walk in B's front door

In the hallway that joins B's children's bedrooms

B's house tells me that she is a social creature.  There are pictures in every room - pictures of special trips with special people - pictures of her son when he was the size of a peanut and every stage beyond - pictures of her beloved brother and father who are no longer living and pictures of she and her husband, marking every vacation, every special outing and the fun they have experienced together.  The thing I notice and love about those pictures is B's smile.  It is obvious she likes to spend time playing with her family and friends.  B is all about having fun.  I admire that and sometimes wish I was bent more in that direction.  I am the type that allows herself to play only after the work is done. 

Pay off after He-man spent time playing at the casino

Thank God He-man has been teaching me differently these past 38 years.

B and husband have been trying to have a baby for some time... so when she told me they were finally pregnant I shouted with glee.  She is high risk and I pray daily that mother and baby remain healthy and strong until her expected birth in Aug/Sept.   On the days I clean for B, I collapse in bed sometimes before the sun goes down.  My old body responds loudly to five hours of heavy cleaning.... but the time I spend at B's is more than just work.  I love being part of her family and appreciate the way they have entrusted me to care for their home. 

That is why it was so difficult for me to tell B that I could no longer clean for her.  I have been hearing little whispers about this for a while now... but the other night when I saw how weary daughter-in-law and son were after chasing Little Tornado, the whisper became a shout.  I knew then that the five hours I gave to B and her family weekly now needed to be given to my own.

Of course when I told B she was very understanding and she was as excited as the rest of us to hear of the possibility of adding a China doll to our family.

I will remain in touch with B and continue to hold her family near to my heart.  That will not change, but life continues to do so.  And I will move on to who knows what as I say good-bye to Wednesday cleaning and B's beautiful house.

I hope you listen to what is whispering to you.  I hope your decision to act is met with understanding and acceptance.  I hope that one good-bye will greet you with another welcoming hello.

1 comment:

  1. New Journey's are so exciting. I truly am so happy for you and your family! I will follow your blog BUT I do hope to have lunch soon so you can meet our newest addition, and us meet yours!! You have beautiful way about you. You shine happiness and positivity, I will miss this dearly..but after reading your blog, I see instead of weekly I can get it daily! We <3 U & will see YOU SOON!!
