Friday, June 10, 2011

A Wish for Two

Have you ever wished you could be in two places at one time?  I want to go to Wyoming to help my oldest daughter and her family move into their "forever home," as she calls it.  I want to stay in Oklahoma and help my son and daughter-in-law with their new born babe.

Sorry for the fuzzy photo.  It was the only one I could find on line.

Oldest daughter is so very excited to have had their offer accepted on a lovely home in a beautiful, well established neighborhood in Laramie, Wyoming. They can move in on Wednesday if they so desire.  Now that's what I call a swift move.  They only made the offer on Monday.  The real estate agent told them the sellers were motivated.  And so they were!!


Daughter-in-law goes to the hospital on Thursday morning to birth our sweet baby girl.  She has been looking forward to this day for months now.... nine to be exact.  But for the last two months she has been especially motivated.   No one has made her any offers, however.

Our Wyoming family currently lives in a small condo on condo mountain where hundred's of university students hang their hats, ride their bikes and party with their friends.  They (The Wyo Five-O) moved into the condo last August.  It has housed them well and better yet, has made it possible for them to even consider making an offer on a "forever home."  But the good little condo has been feeling a bit cramped of late.  It's 900 square foot space, that once seemed cozy, is now too close for comfort.
Coat Closet

Computer station, fire pit and television viewing

Linen storage

I was with The Wyo Five-O when they moved into their condo.  I unpacked the dishes and cooked their first meal on a stove with only two working burners and no working oven.  Have you ever tried cooking cinnamon rolls in a fry pan?  Not too bad, especially if you cut off the overly browned bottoms.

I would love to help move them into their new kitchen and cook the first meal in their "forever home."  But I can't be in two places at once and I REALLY want to be one of the first to welcome newborn baby girl into our family.

So here we go again.... the consistently visiting question - "What do you do when you don't get what you want?"

It's completely inconceivable that I could be in two places at one time...and that is what I want.  So I can either stop wanting it or be grateful for what I have.

I don't know if I can stop wanting it entirely, because I will always want to be with my family. 

But maybe I could want it differently.  Maybe I could continue to hold the desire to be with family and be grateful for the time we do spend together as well.  Maybe I could plan a trip to Wyoming after baby girl is a month old and daughter-in-law is fully recuperated from surgery.  Surely by then I will have a meager thousand pictures or so of baby girl to show off to the fam in Wyoming..... and the attendant at the airport..... and whomever sits next to me on the plane.....and the cafe bar clerk.....and the guy standing beside me at baggage claim... and....

I am grateful that my life is so full that I wish I were two.  I am grateful that my daughter-in-law wants me to be with her at the hospital and in her home.  I am grateful that I am able to purchase a airplane ticket, own a camera and feel welcome at any time to visit my adult children and their families.  How did I ever come to live such a privileged life?  I truly am grateful.

May that which you want be transformed into that for which you are grateful.

May your life be so filled with growth and new birth that you can't possibly capture it in photos no matter how many you shoot.

And may you feel welcome wherever you go.

1 comment:

  1. GG-Pop and GG will be in Oklahoma to welcome 19th Great Grandchild. Molly is bringing us there. Probably on the 18th and return after two days. We are so grateful that they want us and Molly is able to take us. Blessings keep pilin up. See ya.
