Friday, July 1, 2011

Eating Fresh

He-man and I have been trying to eat only fresh.... No processed.  Well... it's been a bit of a challenge since we naturally reached our hand in a box for crackers, or opened a can of soup for lunch, or baked with processed bleached flour - all the while thinking we were making healthy choices.  But when we really paid attention to food labels and were more informed about what to look for we were shocked at the amount of industrial junk we consumed.

I have been experimenting with some of our favorite recipes, trying to use fresh produce instead of the standard cracker, white rice or processed bread.  I adore Burshetta, the fresh basil and olive oil, mixed with ripe tomatoes is a combination that really pleases my palate.  I tried to create it without the bread and this is what happened.

I must confess that I used black olives from a can.  I didn't know of a farmer's market close to us that sells home grown olives.  I suppose I could have made a trip to Greece to pick up a few, but I am afraid to fly over the ocean. So canned it was. After chopping the above ingredients I placed them in a bowl, added a few shots of olive oil, gave it a stir and then placed it on top of sliced red pears. 

 It was yummy!  We licked the plate clean and felt very satisfied.  In fact, we have been feeling full with smaller portions of fresh food than we did with the larger portions of the processed food we used to eat.  Now we haven't completely eliminated processed foods... like yesterday I ate a bagel at Panera and this weekend at my nephew's wedding you can be certain I will imbibe.  But the groceries I purchase and the meals I prepare at home are primarily fresh.  It has not been difficult at all.  In fact, it has been rather fun to see what I can create next.  

I am off to Texas for a family wedding ... so no posts for a few days.  Thanks for visiting.

I hope you experience a yummy fresh day.  I hope you feel satisfied with what this day offers and that you have fun joining in it's creation.

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