Monday, January 2, 2012

Boo To You

Little Miss Boo is visiting today.  She sends hellos and hugs to everyone near and far.

She has been on this earth less than a year and is eating sweet potatoes, sitting by herself, playing with toys and recognizing each of our unique characters.  Seems remarkable what we learn in seven months time.

She is even getting used to my camera.  I'm not saying that she always welcomes the lens peering into her face, but she is beginning to understand that sometimes Yaya comes with a flash.
Looks like that is the end of Boo's visit.  

I hope you all have a great Monday.... or a great end to your Monday, depending on when you are reading this post.  I hope you find not only your tongue, but your voice.  I hope you make your unique character known to this world.

46.  I am grateful for what the earth teaches.

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