Sunday, January 8, 2012

Softly Sunday

You did not originate from a material particle as you've been led to believe.  Your conception at the moment of your parent's blissful commingling was not your beginning.  You had no beginning.  That particle emanated from the universal energy field of intention as do all particles.  You're a piece of that universal mind of Creation, and you must see God inside of you and view yourself as a divine creation in order to access the power of intention in your life.

Give this idea a healthy dose of your attention -- right now in this moment -- as you read these words.  Contemplate the enormity of what you are reading.  You are a piece of God.  You are a living, breathing creation that emanated from the universal mind of the all-creating Source.  Very simply put, when you love and trust yourself, you are loving and trusting the wisdom that created you; and when you fail to love and trust yourself, you're denying that infinite wisdom in favor of your own ego.  It's important here to remember that at every single moment of your life, you  have the choice to either be a host to God or a hostage to your ego.

From The Power of Intention by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

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