Saturday, July 23, 2011

A Day Made for Music

I have been blessed with amazing son in laws. Never do I worry about my daughters, for I know that they are well cared for... that they are well fed, clothed and have a comfortable, safe place they call home.  Never do I fret for their safety or well-being for they are loved and held in high regard by their mates.  "Thank yous," spill forth from my heart every evening as I think on that day and all the goodness that inhabits my life.

Middle One is married to a man who taught himself how to play the guitar.  He is one of the most patient and persistent people I know.  He stays with whatever he is doing until it is completed.... even if it takes hours, months or years.  He is gentle and soft spoken ...unless he is watching his favorite sports team... which could be a whole other blog post.

One of my favorite pictures of him is one I clicked while we were all on vacation in Wyoming a few years back.  He was sitting outside TJ's home practicing with his guitar and mouth harp (which he taught himself how to play as well).
 I love the vibrant colors displayed in TJ's  flower pots against the bright red house trim.  Mountain flowers are more vibrant than the torrid weather flowers of Oklahoma.  When I visit Wyoming, I love the fresh air, the cold, clear water that I draw straight from the tap and the crisp, fresh mornings.  Son-in-law, BF, is focused on learning something.  This is where he likes it best... in the middle of Mother Nature, singing.

I hope you are blessed with the goodness of others.  I hope you hear some sweet music, sight some vibrant flowers and teach yourself something you have always wanted to master.  

1 comment:

  1. always good to be in touch. Thanks for the trip to Colorado. It was good. Love, Mum
