Friday, July 22, 2011

Summertime Sillies

Despite the soaring temperatures, Middle One and I braced ourselves against the torrent heat and met up at a new fabric store to check out the textiles.  She was on an expedition to find just the right drapery material for her living room.  And I am always happy to help when it comes to anything having to do with sewing, painting or decorating. 

Bluebird was spending the afternoon with a friend, but Sci-Guy and Clone accompanied their mother in full force.  They were as silly as a group of preteens at a sleep over.  They couldn't keep their hands off of each other as mom wheeled them about the store in a two tiered shopping cart. Middle One said that they have been goofy from the onset of summer vacation. I let mom check out in peace and took the two boys outside to run off some of their silly juices.
Clone kept close to Sci-Guy, taking any opportunity to lead him astray.  They passed by a furniture store where patio furniture was showcased in an outdoor display.  Immediately they jumped into a huge chase lounger.
Clone thought they should test it for wrestling durability.  He tried several times to pin his brother to the mat, but it's was rather difficult to achieve since Sci-Guy was already laid out flat.
 They thought the awning over the chase was a tent made especially for little boys to hide under.

They clowned around in front of the store front windows and spent as much time looking at their image in the glass as did Snow Whites stepmother.

Clone thinks his big brother is something special, though he would never tell him so.  He spends much of his time looking on like he is not looking at all - trying to accomplish whatever Sci-Guy is doing.  Clone just tweaks the move, or speeds up the footwork or pumps up the volume.  But all in all, it's still about being as cool as his big brother.
At one point they climbed onto some patio chairs that were anchored to the sidewalk by a chain.  For the briefest of moments, I considered borrowing the chain to hold those two wiggle worms in one place.

But I am not very good at mechanics and watching them play with each other really does delight me.  Since I am not their mother, and I don't get to experience their silliness that often, I find amusement in their hopping from store to store on a hot sidewalk with blue shoes and goofy hair.

I hope you get to check out something fun and new today.  I hope a wee bit of the sillies accompanies you. I hope there is someone in your life that inspires and encourages you to be the best you can be.  I hope you can be happy with blue shoes or soggy hot weather, or chains about your feet.

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