Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Dog Days of Summer

He-man and I aren't exactly dog lovers.  While we have had a few as pets over the years we have not embraced them in the same manner as our dog-lover friends.  I think we are too lazy to take care of a pet in the manner they deserve.  But I've got to say, that I love dogs.... not a dog-lover.... but love dogs.  Now what does that mean? I don't really know, that's just the way it is with me. 

My sister and brother-in-law have two dogs that you can't help but fall in love with.  They are a mix between a Standard Poodle and a Labrador. They were especially cute when they were little like all puppies are, but as they have grown into their "own" they have become more and more adorably them. 

They are smart and funny, not in the small, wacky, short haired way of a Jack Russell - but in their own big and lanky, wavy haired, round eyed, jutting jaw way of Crash and Harley, the Labradoodles.

Crash is the socialite of the two.  He makes the rounds, works the crowd and receives lots of attention.

Our grand children like to go visit their aunt and uncle as much for their dogs as they do to see them ...... and of course for their fun-in-the-sun swimming pool.

The dogs like the pool too.  They guard the perimeter, searching for dropped cookies, cold hot dogs or on a super good day, cookies, hot dogs and a back rub.

Little Clone holds tightly to Crash for fear one of the other eight grand kids will get their hands on him.  And while Crash honors each child, he can be easily bought for the paltry sum of a soggy goldfish cracker or a half eaten tortilla chip.

Crash moves from one child to the next, getting as many hand pats and rub downs as any dog could wish for.  He never lacks for lovin' when our grand kids visit.

 What Crash has in personality and charisma, Harley has in class and grace. Harley is softer than crash, more refined and a bit of a snob.  Bluebird likes nothing better than to share the sun with Harley on a Sunday morn and Harley is happy to have her near as long as Bluebird acts like a lady and not some garbage eating, pool running, big brown eyed, dog wonder.  Harley is much too refined to mention names, but we all know who she is referring to.

The dogs I have owned in the past have been small lap dogs... ones that take up little space and leave small piles in the backyard. 

But I'm thinking that if by chance I ever get another dog I might just go for the Labradoodle.  One thing I know for sure is that I would win big points with the grand kiddos.

I hope you get a chance to lay in the morning sun with someone you love to be near.  I hope you get a back rub and a cookie today.  I hope you can escape these dog days of summer with a refreshing dip in a pool.  But if none of that happens for you today, I hope that it be blessed just the same.

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