"What is that?" you say. Well let me tell you.......

Puddle Ducks is an in-home day-care facility in Laramie, Wyoming. It is owned and operated by a charming British couple who have six children of their own, none of which are of preschool age. I believe their oldest is close to age twenty and their youngest is a set of twins just beginning high school.
Anyway.... TJ and I paid a visit to Puddle Ducks while I was in Laramie. TJ was hoping to enroll her youngest daughter (grand child # 6) by the time school opens this Fall, when she will return to full-time teaching.

We spent about an hour touring the home, playing in the basement's in-door playground, looking at pictures of field trips, examining closets, sampling every activity center and joining the group sprawled on top of the largest bean bag chair I have ever seen for story time. Every nook and cranny of Puddle Ducks was delightful. But it all paled in comparison to Miss Ruth herself. She was tall and slender, dressed in tan cords and a black turtleneck, joined at the center with a stylish braided belt. Her feet were bare, long blonde hair tousled on top of her head, eyelashes with a hint of false fluttery and lipstick drawn precisely inside the lines of a mouth that uttered the most charming combination of words. When Miss Ruth addressed a child she would call them by name. Not their given name, but names of British endearment....like, Sausage or Love or Pumpkin.
I could have stayed with Miss Ruth for the rest of the day. I loved all the pictures in her home... the way it was decorated... her way with the children, how she introduced her husband as "Love" and I was hoping to partake of an authentic English tea.
Miss Ruth told TJ she would let her know if she had an opening before the Fall school session began. She bent down to my grand daughter and said, "I hope you will be one of my little puddle ducks, Muffin." Since that time forward I have called grand daughter number six, "Muffin". Sometimes I slip and call her Sausage. She quickly corrects me by saying, 'I not you sausage. I you muffin!"

Muffin has been practicing to be a Puddle Duck.
She has learned how to lift her skirt like a lady when climbing the stairs.
and how to use utensils with European flair.
She's been getting lots of exercise
and weening herself from childish afternoon naps.
She is learning how to spin a paracell
and the way a proper lady wears her hats.
She's been practicing her manners at the four o'clock hour for tea
and visiting the loo on time - most importantly.
Hurray to you, Muffin. You are one of Miss Ruth's Puddle Ducks!
I hope you are well this Sunday. I hope you meet someone delightful - someone you would want to spend a day with. I hope you are blessed with endearments. I hope you are accepted where ever you go.
Hooray for Muffin!!
ReplyDeleteWhat fun...
ReplyDeleteI visited Joys new pre-school last week.
She is to be in the green frog class, and is very excited.
Gamma bought her a new lunch and sparkly shoes, and she is all set to start August 10th.