Although the weather is stinking hot, Tasha is looking mighty cool in her sleeveless, floral print dress.
And once again she is wearing a butterfly. I'm beginning to think it may be Tasha's symbol for new life as well as for Clarehouse.
Let's take a closer look at today's bling.... ahh, rhinestone circles. Just what every girl needs to take her attire to the next level!
Sounds like a relationship instead of clothing, doesn't it? But hey, many a girl has a special relationship with her wardrobe.
What's this I see? A Derrière in bloom?
Why,Tasha you're an entire garden of delight today.
And blossoms adorn your feet too.
Tasha loves to coordinate, paying attention to every detail, down to the color and design of her nails.
I also wanted to share a picture of this morning's sunrise.

The forecast says 112 and rising each day of the week. I'm not accustom to such heat and neither are the critters. They are clamoring for relief, wherever they can find it. Our neighbor said she saw a squirrel sprawled out full body on the ground in a puddle left by her lawn sprinkler.
I hope you keep cool today. I hope you are in a place where you can bloom. I hope you take yourself to the next level, wherever that may be in your journey.
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