I started my photography class on Monday. Middle One let me borrow her Digital Single Lens Camera since I have a point and shoot and the course required a DSLR. I've been wanting to purchase one, but they are a bit pricey and I wanted to make sure it was something I would REALLY use.
I dove into the on-line course head first on Monday and buzzed through the first two sessions. It was amazing. I felt excited, challenged, overwhelmed and determined all in a matter of thirty minutes after picking up the camera and trying to get it to do what I wanted. It's been a bit of a struggle since then. I have taken about 300 pictures and only a handful have been worthy of print. I guess the old principal of "practice makes perfect" applies to becoming a photographer too.

Middle One's friend makes it look so easy. She is such an amazing photographer, able to capture an entire story in one click of a button. She is the creator of the on-line course I'm taking. She had been talking of taking her weekend courses to the Internet one day. And when she finally did, I was ready, willing and happy to sign up.
There is so much more than photography that makes Middle One's friend an amazing person and I wish I could tell you all about her. But that would take many a blog post. Ashley and Middle One have been friends for several years now. Their children are close in age and their husbands enjoy each other's company. They go to the same church. Their children attend the same small private school. And most recently the hold in common the decision to adopt a girl from China.
Yes, Music Man and Middle One are increasing their family by one... a girl from across the globe. She will be the luckiest little gal ever. She will get to share a bedroom with bluebird.
There are layers upon layers of miracles in the whole adoption story that I couldn't possibly relay them all accurately. But there is one story I really want you to hear. And the best way for me to tell you is to link you up to Middle One's friend, Ashley, and let you get a taste for yourself of a young woman's amazing talent and faith. It's a story you won't want to miss. And a little clue for you is that the W's she refers to in her blog are Middle One and Music Man.
Enjoy as I did.
I dove into the on-line course head first on Monday and buzzed through the first two sessions. It was amazing. I felt excited, challenged, overwhelmed and determined all in a matter of thirty minutes after picking up the camera and trying to get it to do what I wanted. It's been a bit of a struggle since then. I have taken about 300 pictures and only a handful have been worthy of print. I guess the old principal of "practice makes perfect" applies to becoming a photographer too.

Middle One's friend makes it look so easy. She is such an amazing photographer, able to capture an entire story in one click of a button. She is the creator of the on-line course I'm taking. She had been talking of taking her weekend courses to the Internet one day. And when she finally did, I was ready, willing and happy to sign up.
There is so much more than photography that makes Middle One's friend an amazing person and I wish I could tell you all about her. But that would take many a blog post. Ashley and Middle One have been friends for several years now. Their children are close in age and their husbands enjoy each other's company. They go to the same church. Their children attend the same small private school. And most recently the hold in common the decision to adopt a girl from China.
Yes, Music Man and Middle One are increasing their family by one... a girl from across the globe. She will be the luckiest little gal ever. She will get to share a bedroom with bluebird.
There are layers upon layers of miracles in the whole adoption story that I couldn't possibly relay them all accurately. But there is one story I really want you to hear. And the best way for me to tell you is to link you up to Middle One's friend, Ashley, and let you get a taste for yourself of a young woman's amazing talent and faith. It's a story you won't want to miss. And a little clue for you is that the W's she refers to in her blog are Middle One and Music Man.
Enjoy as I did.
Lots of tears and snot while I read your blog and Ashley's this morning. We are so excited for the W's. An amazing story. An amazing friend Middle One has. Can't wait to see our new niece.