Tuesday, January 10, 2012


When you are a baby and you experience pain your momma kisses your owie and says all better.  The pain is erased. Its all better and you dust yourself off and try again. 

Why is it that when you are 30 that's so not the case?  

Have any of you heard that saying, "YOU LIVE YOU LEARN"?

There has been lots of living and tons of learning for me lately. 

Have you ever felt growth from within? I hope that does not sound silly. Seriously, have any of you ever gone through something sad and when you look back on it you see the situation with a bigger set of eyes? 

You look back and say,  "Man I wish I would have known that then. I wish I had been stronger,  or I wish I would have handled that better". 

That so happened to me this past year. Actually it was about 6 months ago.  I was hurt by someone I considered to be a very good friend. I know....it happens right?  No fun...... :( 

I didn't understand why? -what? -how? -when? -why, why, why? 

I really was sick about the situation and didn't know how to be. I was trying to dust myself off and try again but my heart was telling me otherwise. I wasn't ready yet.

I learned last year (2011) that there is not a quick and easy fix for pain.  If there is I don't think its a good/healthy one.....if you know what I mean? I know that I don't like pain. But I feel that I had to go through the hurting process to get to a place of acceptance, understanding, forgiveness, peace and growth. 

I hope this makes sence.  It's kind of funny how going through something that you think is bad and yucky at the time can end up being a blessing in the end. 
Have you ever been hurt and grown to be better for it?  

Have the best day!! 

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