We celebrated Father's Day this past weekend. We
called it Happy Daddy Day. Last year Joe's Father's Day gift was Boo.
This year his gift was a clean garage and a new boom box to go in it.
I also played a little joke on him. You know those stickers that everyone has on the back of their vans of a stick family? We joke back and forth about those and how I should get the stickers and put them on the back of my van.
Well..................Joe thinks they are obnoxious and I think they are cute.
So I took it upon myself to get the stickers and put them up in garage above his
tools. Perfect spot!!!!
That's one of the many things I love about my Joe is his sense of humor. Another, would have to be that he truly is an amazing daddy.
There is a look that he gets on his face when he is watching our children that I can't describe.
It's the look 0f ....... Love. He loves them without condition. I am in awe of my husband most all the time and he continues to inspire me to be a better mommy.
Hope you celebrated a wonderful daddy like we did.
Hope you have a blessed day!
This year his gift was a clean garage and a new boom box to go in it.
I also played a little joke on him. You know those stickers that everyone has on the back of their vans of a stick family? We joke back and forth about those and how I should get the stickers and put them on the back of my van.
That's one of the many things I love about my Joe is his sense of humor. Another, would have to be that he truly is an amazing daddy.
There is a look that he gets on his face when he is watching our children that I can't describe.

It's the look 0f ....... Love. He loves them without condition. I am in awe of my husband most all the time and he continues to inspire me to be a better mommy.
Hope you celebrated a wonderful daddy like we did.
Hope you have a blessed day!
Isn't life great, when you find the right partner in life, and the best co-parent for your children! Hugs to my nephew, and his lovely family!