Tuesday, January 3, 2012

One More Sis to Celebrate

Today is baby sister's birthday..... not the other baby sister I wrote of in October.  Today is the baby, baby sister's birthday.
I remember clearly the day she was born.  I was just about to turn thirteen and like most self-centered teens, I wondered why mom was having another child. She already had five.  Wasn't that enough?  But when my blue eyed, ivory skinned, red headed little sister came home from the hospital, cradled in my mother's arms, I knew she was pure blessing.

Many times over the years my mother has remarked about how Miss M kept her young and alive and on the ball.  Baby sister kept us all busy.  She was curious, super smart, very cute and confident to be who she was with adults and children alike.

She hasn't changed much in forty some years.  Her cuteness has matured into beauty, her intelligence has increased with experience and while her confidence has ebbed and flowed with the cycles of life, she remains a steady source of reliability and joy for our family and her many friends.
Like all of us she has a few warts here and there, but I so admire her honesty in naming them and the inner work she engages daily to make herself softer, kinder and more receptive to love.

Happy Birthday, Baby Sis.  On a day when you should be receiving gifts, I know that you will be doing what you do best.... giving selflessly to others and gifting our world with your fun, spirited presence.

Thank you, readers, for allowing me this tribute to my sister.  I hope there is someone dear to you that you simply can't help sharing with others.  I hope you uncover the true place of confidence within.  I hope you let it run spirited and free with whomever you encounter and where ever you might be.

47. I am grateful for the tickle of a baby's giggle.

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