Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Wyoming Flowers

TJ sent me pictures from her iPhone.  I am amazed at the image quality of the newer cell phones. It took me years to even get a cell phone.... now I suppose I should make my next move an iPhone.  Everyone who has one seems to think they are the cat's meow.  (Now if the lack of an iPhone doesn't give away how ancient I am, that expression surely does.)

TJ and her daughters were out and about in the cool Wyoming air when she sent me the pics.  I just had to share them with you as they might be reprieve for all of us who are smoldering still in record-breaking heat.  Their mountain petunias and snapdragons are flourishing while my geraniums and inpatients are loosing their leaves, their luster and their will to grow inside a furnace.

Muffin told her mom that these flowers were "more beautifuler" and that she should send them to Yaya.  She was right!   But in Yaya's eyes, Muffin is the most beautifuler flower in the garden.
 Cautious is wearing a dress I made for Bluebird.  She loves getting her cousins hand-me-downs.  Even though they are only six months apart, Bluebird is a size larger than Cautious and she has long legs, making her quite a bit taller as well.  Cautious tells me that she wants to be a fashion designer when she grows up.  I would say that pairing cowboy boots with a large graphic print dress is a good start.

I hope your day surrounds you with flourishing beauty.  I hope you find a little plot of refreshment from a hectic day or torrid heat.  I hope you follow your heart's desire and practice creating what you want to be whether you have grown up or not.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Tasha Tuesday

It's been a long time since we had a visit from Tasha.  Can't wait to see what she's been up to.

Oops, sorry, didn't know she was on the phone.  But doesn't she look cute in those long curls?

Now do you know anyone who scoots around the kitchen in an evening length dress?  Of course you do.  Tasha!  She says she only cooks at Clarehouse... a little scrambled egg.... a little chicken noodle soup... a piece of toast.... crackers and peanut butter. At home she lets someone else move about her kitchen.  After all she's got fingernails to paint.

Washing dishes never looked so good.

On her way back to the nurse's station, Tasha stops to smell the roses.  What a great job ...surrounded by flowers, butterflies and nice people.

Oh, oh gotta go.  It's time to check on the guests.

Loving the zebra watch, Tasha.  Bet I could even read that dial.

There's those beautiful flowers Tasha was smelling.  Go ahead, have a sniff. 
Don't they smell fantastic?!

I hope someone cooks you breakfast today.  I hope you have at least one enjoyable conversation on the phone.  I hope your nostrils are filled with delectable aromas and your heart with boundless joys.

Monday, August 29, 2011

School Days

Moving to a new home was an exciting experience for our Son and his family.  While they only moved across the street basically, the children were still assigned to a different school.  Last Thursday was Sunshine and Dreamer's first day in their new school.  They were excited and nervous all in one.  Sunshine is in the fifth grade and Dreamer the third.

JD left them a note on his way to the fire station that morning.   I couldn't resist clicking off a quick photo when I was at their home keeping an eye on the little ones while my daughter-in-law, Pleasure, went with Sunshine and Dreamer on opening day. I love how their parents made it a day of excitement and celebration.

Sunshine was up early choosing just the right outfit for her first day.  Dreamer just wanted breakfast.

I persuaded them to stand by each other for a picture...

but it was clear that Dreamer's thoughts were on what the lunch menu might be and Sunshine was still deciding if she had clipped her hair flower in the most fashionably correct place.

Tornado heard the action and came bursting out the front door to see what he might be missing.

Any time the door is left unlocked he uses it to his advantage.  He LOVES being out-of-doors but does not quite understand that the street is off limits yet.  He strolls freely about the neighbor's yard and anywhere that grass cushions his quick-tip-toed step.

Poor Copper, however, was delegated to the gated area inside.  He is very well behaved, but dislikes it when the older children leave him.  Sunshine and Copper have a kindred relationship.  He mourns her absence like a misty-eyed maiden sending her sailor to sea.

But school demanded her farewell and with full back packs and re-tied tennies, Sunshine and Dreamer headed for the van,


leaving Copper, Tornado, and Yaya wondering about their first day.

I hope your day is more exciting than nerve-wracking.  I hope you had a good breakfast and an even better lunch.  I hope your fashion statement is comfortable and confident.  I hope you have someone to encourage celebration for all things new and support you as walk into your day.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Happy Sunday

See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin.  Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.  
If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and withered tomorrow, will he not much more clothe you?

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Crazy, Lazy, Hazy Days of More Summer

Friday marked the end of the first week of school for some of the grand kids.  They have returned to scheduled bedtimes and morning routines so it seemed a nice break from the normal for us to gather at Yaya's and Papa's for dinner and hopefully some out door play with cousins.  The weather has cooled some, and while 98 is much better than 116, it is still humid and hot.  I must say, "thanks" to the universe for sending us a few days of rain, though.  The brown patches in our lawn are closing in and the bushes have exchanged their droopy nod for a happy stance.

Bluebird wanted to set the table with what she calls "the fancy stuff."  She laid out pink napkins for the girls and blue for the boys.  She chose gold flatware, white porcelain dishes, plastic water goblets and decorated paper for name tags. 

Not wanting to leave anyone out, she insisted that Tornado have a place setting and name tag as well.

Tornado didn't care much if he had china or Winnie the Pooh to eat from.  He was much more interested in how much spaghetti he could get in his belly even though it looks like a large amount of it ended up on his face.

Whenever Clone comes to our house he follows he-man around like a shadow.  It doesn't matter if he-man is sitting in his easy chair watching westerns or out in his shop making sawdust, Clone is beside him.  Clone and Sci-Guy love to watch westerns with their papa.  They are constantly asking him, "Who is the good guy?  Who is the bad guy?  Who is winning? and Why are they doing that?"


Clone perched himself on the raised foot rest of he-man's recliner while he watched the Virginian clean a dusty western town of it's even dustier out-laws.

After the good guys had once again saved Dodge City, we ventured outside, hoping it wouldn't be too hot to watch the children run off their dinner.

Isn't is funny how kids eat and run, eat and run, eat and run while adults eat and sit?  Humm, something to be learned there.

After observing my daughter-in-law try to keep tabs on Tornado in our fence- less back yard, I was reminded that not all adults are retired adults who eat and sit.... some adults are quite active, especially when following the daily discoveries of curious little people.

Sunshine took my garden wagon and offered rides to any who would partake.  It is always great to have Sunshine about.  Not only is she funny and good natured, but she entertains the little people, allowing their parents to relax a bit from their ever-constant parenting duties. 

Bluebird and Tornado were ready to ride but...

Sunshine was intent on adding more passengers.

Dreamer and Sci-Guy were not interested in wagons.  They would rather climb the Magnolia which they consider to be their out door fortress.

All Little Miss Boo could do was hang out on the patio with the adults. 


But after a while she made it known that she was ready to eat (and she doesn't even run around yet).  But a girl has to keep her girlish curves nourished, right?

Now I know why Miss Ruth calls her little chunky puddle ducks sausage.

The evening wound down in the living room playing with tinker toys that Middle One and I had purchased at a garage sale that day...  

laying on the floor watching the big game on the telly,


and giving in to the exhaustion of being with a noisy, active fun-loving family.


I hope you have a chance to enjoy the our doors without searing heat.  I hope you make a special space for the ones you love.  I hope you eat, laugh, play and relax this Saturday.  May contentment and comfort be yours.

Friday, August 26, 2011

More of Those 29 Ways to Be Creative

 15. Practice,              Practice,                   Practice

16. Allow Yourself to Make Mistakes

17. Go Somewhere New 

18. Count Your Blessings 

19. Get Plenty of Rest

20. Take Risks 

21. Break The Rules 

22. Don't Force It  

23. Read A Page Of The Dictionary 

24. Create A Framework


25. Stop Trying To Be Someone Else's Perfect

26. Got an Idea? Write it Down


 27. Clean Your Workspace

28. Have Fun 

29. Finish Something! 

Thanks for visiting.  
Thanks to Michigan Ave blog for sharing their 29 pointers for harboring creativity.

I hope your day opens with a practice and ends with a prayer.