Thursday, October 27, 2011

One of the perks of being married for thirty-nine years is that He-man has had plenty of time to get used to my obsession with changing the furniture.  

About three months into our marriage he got his first taste of how I roll.  He came home from work to find the sofa that was against the wall when he left that morning, sitting in the middle of the living room. The television had been moved from a book shelf to the top of the dining room buffet and a window that used to be in the kitchen had been covered over with red flowered contact paper.
He shook his head in what I thought was surprise, but found out later was complete disbelief.  He said very little, only muttering under his breath off and on throughout the evening while trying to manipulate his way around our newly designed apartment. 

I couldn't understand why he was so bewildered.  Changing things gave me a chance to do some deep cleaning.   And besides, new perspective is good for the soul, right?

After more than three decades of having my own home, I must say that I have yet to find a permanent place for our furniture.  Just last week I changed the sofa from one wall to the opposite.  I separated a pair of bookshelves and moved one behind the sofa and one to the entryway.  And most risky of all.... I moved the recliner to another corner.

He-man was cool with the move.  No more bewilderment.  No more muttering.  Why, I don't think he even had a different perspective.  Just acceptance.

Yesterday I did it again.  I didn't like the new arrangement, so I paired up the shelves again on a different wall, moved one sofa to another room, brought in a chair from the bedroom and Autumed-up the mantel.

This was He-man's reaction ---------------------->

Now I don't know if that is humble acceptance or just too old and tired to grumble.  Whatever it is, to me it is the sweet realization that he likes me just the way I am, obbssesions and all.

After so many years of still surprising him with a new furniture arrangement, he is no longer surprised that I do it.   He just grins, looks for the remote and settles in to his newly designed space.  

10.  I am grateful for growing older and smoother.

I hope you are given a new perspective.  I hope this day feeds your soul.  I hope you grin and settle in to what ever surprises are offered.

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