Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Our last day...

Today was bitter sweet.

We have fallen in love with China and it's people...

We are desperately missing our two boys and family at home... We have been away from them too long.

We are ready to make the trip home, but sad that we are leaving our little girls country...

We have made so many wonderful new memories and new friends in the time we have spent here... Truly unbelievable how many details the Lord has brought together for us during his trip.


We spent our morning at Shamian Island... it has amazing gardens and architecture. While we were there Brad broke down and ordered his first frapicino ... As a manly man he has avoided this until now.

Hope preformed a dance with her new dragon puppet...quite the attraction :)
We had dinner at our favorite spot one last time...
Stopped in the park on our way home...
And celebrated Halloween at our hotel...

Hope was very concerned about missing Halloween this year. So she brought her costume and had her picture made in the crystal ballroom... Just the spot all brides dream of being. We got many looks and comments, and one sucker...

We leave bright and early... Pray our 24ish hours of travel goes smoothly

We are so excited about all of you meeting Ani!


Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Getting comfortable...

We started our day super early with official business at the US Consulate. We took an oath and handed in the last of our adoption paperwork. We will be getting Ani's Visa to tomorrow... Yay!

We have had Ani for 9 days and we are getting to know each other more and more each day...

When we first met Ani was fine with Brad or I holding her, but since we have left Hohhot she is favoring me and will have a crying fit if Brad has to take her. This could be due to the fact we have been on planes, and trains, and countless taxi's. Im sure Ani doesn't know what to expect with each new experience.

Whatever it is it's okay... Brad understands and is willing to take things slow. The hard thing is that we have been walking everywhere and have to carry Ani. After an hour or so of carrying this sweet 24 pound bundle my back has been killing me. We tried a stroller but she freaked...

So, selfishly I have been praying that Ani would be comfortable with her dad (for my backs sake & because Brad is such a great dad... she is missing out).

Well, today Ani and Brad had some special bonding time. First, she let him take her to get coffee while I stayed behind... Big deal.

She also let him carry her while we shopped a little bit.... Big deal.

Than, they played just the two of them for a good hour in our hotel room...

And she let him hold her as she fell asleep tonight.... Very big deal!
I wish there was a way to know what she was thinking... It would be so helpful...


Here are a few more pictures of the girls swimming today...

Ani now loves the water! So fun to see her truly enjoy new things :)
Today is my sisters birthday! So from China to Wyoming ....

Happy Birthday Aunt Trish!!!



Monday, October 29, 2012

10,000 miles and 10,000 smiles

We have travel from North China (where we met Ani) to South China (where we are finalizing everything for the adoption and her immigration to the US)...

North China and South are very different. But regardless of where in China you live we have learned that the people of China are amazingly adaptable and resourceful...

There is no place too small for a shop or a car to fit, there is no bundle too big to be carried, and there is no place off limits to sleep...

Ani has this resourcefulness and adaptability in her.

Many of you know she has some challenges with her hearing and her left hand. This doesn't stop her.

Her hearing difficulty wasn't noted on her referral. I struggled with this before meeting her. But am good with it now. The crazy thing is her hearing difficulty has helped our communication because she uses nonverbal skills easily. The girl has 10,000 expressions. She has a happy face, I am scared face, a surprised face, a look what I did face, a I don't like this at all face, a lets go now face, a I'm hungry face, a roll her eyes silly face, a I need to go to the bathroom face, a I am going for it face, a I'm tired face ...the list could go on & on.

The joint in her left thumb doesn't allow her to grasp with her pointer finger very easily... This is not a problem for Ani. She holds more in her left hand than I have ever thought possible, and she uses her pointer finger and middle finger to grasp things...

We have gotten looks from many because of her hand. I'm learning this isn't rude in China. On the train a man actually grabbed her hand to examine it and explained to his wife what he saw... At dinner the table next to us had an entire conversation about her...

The looks and the unspoken feeling that she isn't "right" makes me crazy. None of this is noticed by Ani. I guess we need to learn from her.

During her medical exam the doctor said her inner ear looks "normal"... This seems to be good news, but we are anxious to see what our doctor says. Prayers are appreciated.

She passed her TB screening today.... Thanks to all who prayed :)

Here are pictures from our day. We visited a beautiful garden, explored the neighborhood by our hotel, and relaxed at Starbucks... Pretty good day :)




We go to the US Consulate to take an oath as Ani's parents tomorrow... We will promise to always take care of her :)


Sunday, October 28, 2012


Hope has always wanted a sister...

She has been soaking in the fact that she finally has one. I knew she would be a great sister to our new girl. And I knew Ani would LOVE Hope.

Hope was the first one Ani hugged & kissed...

They have a special "sister thing" where they try to get as close to each other as possible... Just to be close together... Love it!

On our second day with Ani Hope said...

"Mom, Ani is so cute... I am glad we finally get to know what makes her beautiful on the inside, it was like we didn't know before China, but now we do"...

Amazing that my nine year old Hope gets this... Simply amazing...

Ani is beautiful inside and out. We feel so lucky that we are the family that gets to truly know her and call her ours...


We have been seeing LOTS of adoptive families here.

When we went to Ani's medical check it felt like there were hundreds... So many sweet Chinese boys and girls with new families.

In the waiting room I watched them all...

After being in that room full of other kids Brad and I talked about having the assurance that our Ani was our perfect match.

In the adoption processes that was the scariest thing... Hoping you could love an adoptive child just as you love your biological kiddos...

God is so good... He makes it all work so beautifully.

We had a fun day today... Visited the Chen Family Museum, went to a park, went swimming, and ate amazing Chinese food (thanks Chris & Ash)...

Just beautiful ...


Saturday, October 27, 2012

One week

We have been in China for one week today...

So much has happened in the past 7 days it blows me away.

The best being that Ani is now a part of our family..

We have loved her through pictures and emails for so long but now we really know her, and get to discover all that makes her her first hand... It is so wonderful!

This is her about 30 minutes after we met. She is playing hide and seek with Hope...

Playing blocks in our room...
She is an amazing little girl, who came to us full of life and SPUNK! She is a girl who knows how to have fun and likes to be silly. And at the same time she is sweet at her core. She and now gives us random kisses and hugs, which are the best kind if you ask me :)

When I think about how many new things she has experienced in the past week and how graceful she has managed to adapt to it all I am in awe of her....

She has gone from a somewhat simple life in her familiar orphanage to eating new foods, wearing unfamiliar clothes, riding in taxi's and planes and living with a crazy white family...

She is something... She is super smart and soaks up all the new things we are teaching her. While at the same time she is able teach us Important things like queuing us to take her potty, and communicating that she likes her hood on when she's wearing her coat... She is so crazy smart...

We visited her orphanage and got to see the staff and other kids go crazy over seeing her again. We toured the building and everywhere we went someone was calling her name and wanting to kiss and hold her. She did great... She was comfortable being ther but wanted to go with us when we left ( thank the Lord).

Here is a picture of Ani with the Nannie that raised her for the last two years... Beautiful woman...

And random pictures of our first week together :)



We have Internet access so I will be sharing more soon....

Cindy... Mom of FOUR...