Monday, June 13, 2011

Company's Coming

We have a saying in our house when company comes for a visit.  "Better paint the hallway, company's coming."

He-man teases me with this line when I pull out the mop, furniture polish and Windex upon learning that someone is coming to stay overnight.  I look at our house from a critical lens when I think about someone else living in it with us.  When I was much younger I would even fret over scuffed woodwork or marked walls.  I think I made a comment once about how we should paint before our company was scheduled to arrive. He-man didn't share my lust for perfection and quickly responded with, "Better paint the hallway, company's coming."

I didn't find it a bit humorous at the time.  But I have lightened up since then.  I really did take myself too seriously.  Now whenever someone calls to tells us they are coming for a visit, we look at each other and both say, "Better paint the hallway, company's coming," as we remain in our easy chairs, remote in one hand, popcorn in the other.

The truth is we are having company.  My parents and sister are coming after grandchild number ten arrives on Thursday.  I'm not sure who will be sleeping at our house and who will be sleeping at my son's house.  Can you imagine how this might send me into a tail spin?  Whose hallway should I paint, for crying out loud?!!!

After I took several long deep breaths from the inside of a paper bag, I realized that I had recently painted a room in my son's home.  It was Sunshine's bedroom.  Hallelujah, I was saved.  To feed my obsession with preparing for company, I decided that I would simply finish the job I'd started in Sunshine's bedroom a month ago.

This is what Sunshine's bedroom looked like as we were painting it.

This is what Sunshine's room looked like after I had my paint fix last Saturday.

He-man had cut letters out for Sunshine when they lived in their smaller house.  She painted them dark purple and lime green.

I had an iron wall decor piece that I spray painted pink and mounted on a black and white zebra print circle.  We hung them above Sunshine's bed to make her territory known.

But I think He-man misspelled Sunshine.
I had an assortment of frames that I had collected over the years.  I spray painted them bright colors that Sunshine likes - lime green - lavender - different shades of pink.  I used scrapbook paper to add print and texture to each frame and embellished each frame with a different accent.

The mirror was one I had originally planed to use in the nursery.  It didn't work in that room so I was happy I could use it in Sunshine's room.  A little pink and green paint and it became hers.

The owl was an old metal trivet that I spray painted glossy black and mounted on polka dotted scrapbook paper.

The frame below the owl has a smaller frame, also painted glossy black, with a zebra print background mounted in the center

To the right of that, another frame within a frame and to the right of that a plastic frame painted glossy lavender showcases a butterfly given to me by an elderly friend who gave me 100s of her sewing notions and buttons.

Paper lanterns, from Sunshine's birthday party were  hung in the corner by Sunshine's mom.  They float above a patio table set that used to live on the front porch of their other house.  I spray painted the top of the table a glossy lavender and it is a perfect place for Sunshine to hang out with her girl friends or listen to music or draw.

Not exactly a hallway, but it satisfied my need and the room is ready for my sister when she comes to visit Sunshine's new baby sister.

I hope your hallway remains the color it is now painted.  I hope you have a wonderful call telling you company is coming to visit.  If not, I hope you can laugh at the things you take too seriously and have an opportunity to color your life with fun.

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