Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sunrise - Sunshine

I looked out the window the other morning and noticed an orange glow on the neighbor's gazebo next door.

"Ah-ha! I'll bet that means there is an Oklahoma sunrise lurking about somewhere," I thought.

I grabbed my camera and headed outside.

I wish I knew more about photography.  I am having difficulty capturing the majesty of nature through my lens.  The picture taken doesn't convey the glory my eyes see when I look upon her wonder.  Although I know it's possible, because I have seen many images of photographer's that move me as much as the real scene does. Guess all I can do is keep practicing and seek some instruction from a pro.

When I looked at the orange hued horizon that particular morning, I was happy to be outside witnessing the beauty of it's rays.  But I had no idea that I would be spending the next few hours basking in its energetic glow.

I could hear my phone ringing when I finally went back inside.  Daughter-in-law had called to see if I could come to their home and watch over the wee ones while she went to a doctor's appointment.  Fortunately, I had no other plans, so of course I accepted her invitation to be with my grand children.  From nine o'clock til noon I was immersed in mother nature with Sunshine and Little Tornado.

Take me to the front porch, okay, sis?

Yep, that's the way.

Ahh, this is the life.

I didn't do much because Sunshine did it all.  She watched over her little brother like a mother hawk watches over her nest. She made sure he got all that he needed and a whole lot more of what he wanted.

When given the choice, Tornado and Sunshine would rather be outside than any other playtime activity indoors (their names are so fitting).  Sunshine runs like a gazelle, jumps like a bunny, springs off her hands like a rocket and swims like a fish.  But the morning we spent together, she did nothing but expend her energy following a Tornado.

Now pay attention.  This is how you guide the ball.

You can't use your hands in soccer.

That's right. Move the ball with your feet.

Good job, Tornado! 
I think it's funny that Sunshine chases after Tornado because she wants to be a weather forecaster and possibly a storm chaser when she gets older.  Guess she's receiving vocational training without leaving her own front yard.

From the front yard we took a trip to the park.  My Son and his coco-latte family live across the street from the neighborhood park and pool.  It's great for the two older kids who can walk to the pool every afternoon and believe me, they swim every afternoon for at least four hours.  They are getting so tan they look like chocolate bars.

Anyway.... Sunshine accompanied Tornado down the slide, took him for a ride on the swings and allowed him to freely explore the playground equipment while she remained close enough to catch his expected toddler tumble.
Okay, you've got to sit down for this one.

See sitting can be fun.  You don't have to run all the time!
More sitting.
Hey sis, this sitting thing isn't so hard after all.
But I sure do like climbing up tall structures and...
... running at high speeds

I highly advise you to spend a morning out and about with mother nature.  A tornado could pass by, but if sunshine is in the vicinity you have nothing to fear.

I'm so happy to have Sunshine in my life.  She was not expected and I did not watch her come into this world like I did my other grandchildren.  I did not hold her as a baby and rock her to sleep.  I have not sung her lullabies or given her, her first cookie.  But I have come to love her as if I had spent years watching her grow and calling her mine.  Sometimes life gives you your very own tiny tornado and sometimes it just surprises you with an unexpected dose of sunshine.

Have a wonderful Sunday.  I hope you spend some time basking in the sun.  And if you can't do that, I hope you are able to spend time with someone whose energy can calm a tornado and make your atmosphere glow.

1 comment:

  1. We are so grateful that we will be seeing all of you soon. From GG-Pop
