Tuesday, December 6, 2011

For The Love Of Dance

I flew to Wyoming last Saturday to watch grand daughter number two (whom I call Cautious) take part in a community ballet performance of Snow White.  In the brief eight years of Cautious' life, I would say that she has loved ballet for five of them.  She told me that she likes to watch ballerinas prepare their feet and place them in their toe shoes.
Cautious is rather shy so when she told me that she would be performing on stage in front of an audience, I knew I wanted to be present to mark the occasion. 

Mom applied the required stage make up at home under Cautious' scrutiny.  Everything had to be exactly as her ballet teacher had instructed: hair pulled back tightly in a bun eyes dark and defined, lips like cherry's and cheeks aglow. 

I was not able to use my camera during the performance but snapped a few shots afterwards.
Mom congratulating Cautious' stage debut
Still a bit under the spell of stage fright
Sisters waiting in their seats to hail the ballerina with a bouquet of roses
Afterwards we all celebrated with a trip to the ice cream shop

each one of us enjoyed our favorite flavor
While Cautious chilled out with a sundae topped with whipped cream and a cherry

 28. I am grateful for the freedom to go where I want.

I hope your Tuesday begins with anticipation of something special.  I hope you step out and take advantage of living in a country that allows us to move freely.  I hope you realize how special every day with you in it is.


  1. Congrats Cautious! Way to step out of your box. You were a beautiful dancer!!

  2. Thanks Anonymous.. but we really don't know who you are. Please leave a name or initial when commenting. We love to hear from you.
