Saturday, February 4, 2012

A January Sunset

While preparing dinner, I happened to glance out the kitchen window to see the sun moving below the trees.  I quickly lay aside my parring knife and grabbed my camera to try to capture the moment.  It was the last day of January.
I will be attending a three day conference on "Transforming Life's Traumas (Large and Small), with James Finley Ph. D..  

I have heard Dr. Finley once before and must tell you that I was not only moved by the sharing of his story and his work, but by being in his surrendered presence.  

My hope for this weekend is to be enlightened and realigned with my intention to be a healing presence in the world.

63. I am grateful for courageous teaching.

I hope your Saturday is food for your soul.  I hope you ponder your intentions.  I hope you are inspired, directed and supported by the courageous authenticity of another.



  1. This blog is my daily bread, thank you for feeding me. - Joe

    1. It is good thing to feed each other. I am grateful for your comment and for the way you share your nourishing self with me.
