Friday, February 3, 2012

What Season Is It, Anyway?

Yesterday was Ground Hog's Day.  I don't know if there are ground hogs in Oklahoma, but if there are, I am certain they saw their shadow more than once yesterday.  Good Grief!  They were probably sunbathing half the afternoon away. 

Up to this point, our Green-Country-Winter has felt more like Green-Country-Spring.  Sixty and Seventy degree days with only one light snow that lasted less than twenty-four hours.  I have watered the lawn and gardens nearly as much as I do in early Summer.  My plants are warmed by daily sunshine, dried by South winds and totally confused by both.

Although I appreciate not freezing when I go outside, I'm not entirely convinced that we could go through a Winter in Oklahoma without at least one big ice storm.  It's like it's too good odd to be true.  I find myself waiting for Mother Nature's to drop the bomb (or sleet, or snow or some form of frozen water).

I am wanting to protect the new life that is beginning to emerge under the fallen leaves that continue to blow into the flowers beds no matter how many times I clean them out.  I've been asking the little green sprigs to stay tucked under ground a bit longer.  But they are not listening!

I took a peek around my gardens yesterday and was surprised to discover many plants in the vibrant mode of green and growing - not resting under Winter's coat.

Purple Heart responding to the sun, like little birds reaching for their breakfast.

Red buds filling the branches of my rose bushes, thriving in the warmth of the day and the cool of the night.  They are eager to produce dark green leaves without the over-watering of Summer's humidity.

I am completely baffled.  Is this a sign of global warming?  Is this my paranora?  Or is it a gift to behold?  Maybe all of three.  Sounds strange to consider global warming a gift.  But sometimes gifts get our attention -- awaken us -- inspire us to act  (I don't know..... I'm just thinking).

All I know is I love all kinds of green growing things  ..... and yellow growing things  .....and red growing things .... and purple growing things .... and especially PINK growing things.
62. I am grateful for warm days, emerging life and the color pink.

I hope your Friday is a day of unexpected pleasure.  I hope you notice something emerging underneath what you thought was only wind-blown remains.  I hope you can allow it to grow as it will and find delight, or awakening, in it's gift.

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