Saturday, June 4, 2011

It's not very often that I get to experience one grandchild at a time.  I have gotten to have some alone time with  Sunshine, Bluebird and Cautious because those three gals like to shop much in the same way I do.  We hit the mall early, eat lunch and then call it a day.  By the time we have seen umpteen thousand T-shirts and forty five hundred flip flops we are done!  There is absolutely not another choice we could make other than what kind of pizza to order. 

Lunch is the best part of the day because that is when all the secrets are shared.  All I do is sit back with a tall refreshing drink, ask a few guided questions and then I get the whole story on any subject discussed.  You have no idea how much I know about BFFs (best friends forever), little brothers, and the parental rules of each household.

Yesterday I had an opportunity to spend time with only three of our nine grandchildren.  I don't know if  Bluebird, Little Tornado and Clone will be with me again without their brothers or sisters, so we made the most our day.

We usually gather the whole clan together in one setting or I will go to individual homes to stay with siblings. Yesterday I got to do things with only three that aren't quite as manageable for me when there are more.  It was a fun experience to spend some quality time with three energetic thrill-seekers.

Bluebird and I have been talking about writing a book together for over a year now and yesterday we finally did it.  I told Bluebird that I had to go outside to water plants and she said, "Great!  We can walk around and get ideas for our book."

Fifty weeds and four watering-sections later I was inside planted in front of my computer taking dictation from Bluebird.  She had an entire chapter ready to be released from her active little brain and I had a difficult time typing as fast as she was creating.  I suggested that Bluebird work on the illustrations while I typed the story.  She was all over that like a whirlwind while I was still stumbling through computer keys.

While Bluebird and I were pumping out the newest best seller, Clone was setting up an obstacle course in the living room.  Well that ended the writing spree. 

We moved quickly from a studio to an island surrounded by water and pirates.  Alligators, lurking in the toy basket, could be found on the pillow path to the brown sofa cliff.  "Be careful!  Run Fast!" were the instructions.

Don't step in the swamp!

Hey, this hat really helps me run faster.

You still can't run as fast as me!
Oh yes I can
Bet the Nile Valley doesn't have a Monogrammed trail
From the obstacle course we moved to legos, blocks, army men, a walk in the hot sun, a visit to a garage sale, more legos, barbie dolls, puzzles and coloring books.  Bluebird found time to read me a chapter from her Junie B book while Clone tried to teach Tornado how to walk down the stair.  Tornado insists on maneuvering the step exactly like everyone else does.  I have tried to show him how to sit and then scoot down on his bootie, but he wants to do it standing.
Come on down like me,  It is easy.....really
Aah, come on.  Take my hand.  I promise I won't pull you.
Tornado did not accept Clone's advise and when Clone was playing with legos, Tornado took it upon himself to practice.
Okay put one foot down...
and bring the other to meet it

After Tornado mastered the stair he decided to investigate many other places of interest.  Before the day was done all high surfaces held decorative pieces, small toys, fresh flowers and anything else that could be turned over by a fast moving Tornado.
Tiny legos must be assembled at table height

coffee tables were cleared

book shelves were safe harbor for breakables
A Tornado has Touched Down!

When the dust had cleared and energy fizzled (children's and yaya's both) our little house returned to it's quiet normal state. Pillows were placed in tidy order on the sofa, the chess set put back in it's familiar spot on the coffee table and flowers were carried home to their perch.

All that remained were a few tiny prints on a patio door....

and a tooth bite or two in Styrofoam fruit.

Without the energetic enthusiasm and imagination of my grand children, I might turn into a turttle... not that turtles aren't great.  I just appreciate the young life that pulls me from my comfortable shell and motivates me to move my legs and step out fearlessly into a world of wonder. I am also grateful for a return to rest and quiet.  Contrast is a wonderful window to gratitude.

May your daily routine be unexpectedly infused with a jolt of energy that ignites your imagination and allows you to be fearless for even a moment. 

And may your day end in calm quiet gratitude for the life you live.

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