Monday, November 19, 2012

The Good Life

We are having so much fun together...

Ani has been such a CHAMP...
She is sleeping well, she is eating, and she is HAPPY...

She enjoys all the little things life offers and is quickly giving us all a new perspective...
Transition (for Ani and us) hasn't been all easy...
But the good times definitely out weigh the hard times...

Brushing her teeth each morning and night is no fun...
It hurts her, we try, we struggle, she cries... we hug and hope next time is easier.
Getting her out of bed each morning is a treat... she is always so happy :)

Trying to figure out what healthy food she will eat isn't always easy...
Letting her have her first Oreo is so fun :)

Interpreting if her not so wonderful behavior is related to being in a new place and situation, or related to her history, or related to the fact that she is a two year old is confusing and hard...
Receiving sweet hugs and kisses out of the blue from her is like heaven :)

We are all learning and enjoying the journey...

Here are some of my favorite pictures of our recent time together...

She is eating GRAPES!  This is a big deal... In China she ate every fruit we gave her, but it has taken us two weeks to get her to try American fruit...
She finally gave in and tried her chicken...  she thinks chicken is boring too :)

Ani has a funny "big step" walk she does when she is silly...  she loves to  be silly...

Ani runs to Brad when he gets home from work each night...
She loves him ... and he loves it!

Just a typical afternoon where Luke is scaling our rock wall with his weapon... part of being tough

We went fishing at a friends cabin... Luke caught 2 fish including this nice bass

Hope talked to the fish she caught...

Eli collected clam shells and found every stick in a 3 mile radius... he had a blast!

Both girls played with the bait...  must be a sister thing

Our big kids had a school performance this past week.... they all did great.  Hope was a natural star & loved performing :)

My kids all together!

Random picture, but I love it...
Hope has become a reader...
I am so thankful, because it has been work getting here...

Life is good :)))


  1. Love the pics! Miss you guys so much!

  2. What a fun family. Papa couldn't believe how big Luke's fish was. He was impressed.
