Monday, November 21, 2011

Ready to be a family of SIX

It is estimated that there are some 6,852,472,823 people on the earth. That number is amazing to me.

It amazes me that all 6,852,472,823 people have a story unique to them. Each person has a special gift given only to them to share with others.  Each one has a purpose. It's so humbling to me.

My family is in the middle of an adoption. Truth be told it has become our focus. We have completed paperwork, we have been interviewed, we have all gotten medical exams, and we are no where near the end.  What has encouraged me lately is that I know our little miss is out there in the 6,852,472,823 people on this earth. 

We haven't even seen a picture of her yet, but I know that she is there, perfectly made. I know that she has been given unique gifts and passions that I will get to discover with her some day. 

I know that she has a sister who is crazy about her, and two brothers who are ready to protect her from any hint of danger. 

I know she has a daddy who will sing to her. And I know she has a mommy who can't wait to hold her.  Her story has started.

It started on this side of the world when my husband and I knew we were suppose to adopt but didn't know where to start.. domestic or international???  When on the very day our search seemed to be getting desperate He sent a family from China to a "random" non-adoption meeting to talk about Chinese Orphans.

When we were planning a budget that would be tight but would provide for the adoption costs, He sent unsolicited friends and family members offering more than we needed to cover ALL $25,000 of the expenses.

It continues when He encourages and teaches us through the amazing stories of other adopting families being united with their child.

She has so much more to add to this story... some she may remember and some she may be told. She doesn't even know of me yet, but I am dreaming of her. I am trusting that there is someone much bigger than I am orchestrating her story... our story.  It's far more than I can imagine.  But I rest knowing He has it all worked out.  This world is so big, but my God is BIGGER.



  1. Cindy,
    This is an amazing journey! We are on the same path but chose a domestic adoption to begin with. I wonder every day where this will lead us and who is looking at our picture book trying to decide if we would be good parents. I wish you the best in your journey and hope that we can meet up to share stories soon!
    Much love and god bless!

  2. Blessings and love from us. Another blessing on the way

  3. Hey Tara-

    So good to hear from you... My mom has kept me up on your adoption, but like you I would love to meet up and share stories! It's such a roller coaster journey that I know will be worth it when we meet our little ones. How awesome that my little miss will have a cousin with an adoption story too. And, it's possible our kiddos could be close to the same age! You and K.C. are going to be WONDERFUL parents. I will be praying for you and that the Lord would unite you with your child in His perfect timing... Tell K.C. hello :)

    Thanks so much for the comment

  4. I cannot wait to meet her!!!

  5. We are all anxious to behold the newest addition.
