Monday, November 14, 2011

Pure Love

When JD married Pleasure he immediately became a dad.... well ... a step dad, that is.  Sunshine and Dreamer came into our lives because JD loved Pleasure and wanted to spend the rest of his life with her.  So I like to think that Sunshine and Dreamer came to be my grand children the same way that my biological grand children came to me..... ..... through the union of love.    


But I am not the only one who thinks that Sunshine and Dreamer are a wonderful gift.  Sci-Guy and Clone think that Dreamer was born to become their cousin and make their lives the best ever!

When our family gets together Middle One's little guys run into the house and immediately ask for Dreamer.  They jump on him and roll around on the floor with him.  They pretend he's a criminal on the run and they are the good guys trying to find him.  They watch his every move so they can do the same.  I can't think of one thing they don't like about Dreamer.

One day, out of the blue, Sci-Guy asked his mom, "Mom, when I grow up will I be brown like, Dreamer?"  

These amazing little people look upon their cousin as a gift, not an intrusion. They don't think that his dark skin is out of their norm.  They think he is so special because of who he is, that having dark skin must be special too.  And they want to be just like him in every way possible.

A few nights ago after a family get together, Middle One's crew and JD's crew were cleaning up the toys and gathering their things before loading into their vans.  

Clone had been so happy to be with Dreamer that he was having a hard time separating to go to their own homes.  He followed Dreamer to Dreamer's van and almost loaded himself in with him.  As he realized what he was doing, he hopped up and down with zeal and could not contain his feelings any longer.  "Dreamer, I love you so much!" he shouted.   

I was on the other side of the drive and I got his vibe loud and clear.  Clone's love for Dreamer was something he simply could not contain.  It had to come out or he just might burst with joy.

Oh, if we could love like that.  What a wonderful world this would be.

17. I am grateful for joy that bursts us open.

I hope that your morning is embraced with joy.  I hope your night is wrapped in peace.  And I hope that someone loves you so much that they can't help but tell you so.

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