Friday, November 11, 2011

What a Week!

Monday, October 31: Captain American, Ninja Warrior, Werewolf, Cowgirl, A Fairy and a Fireman, were ready to hit the streets in search of treats.
Tuesday, November 1: Watched an Apartment Next Door to Clarehouse Destroyed by Fire.  The wind was wild that day.  I saw firemen maneuver their way through black smoke and around unstable structures and realized the danger of my son's vocation.  I thought of all the pets left home while their owners worked.  I wondered about them.  One hundred neighbors of Clarehouse became homeless that day.
Wednesday, November 2: Attended Women's Study Group...intriguing, engaging and good to be with my peeps.

Thursday, November 3: Coffee at Panera with a Friend...ahh.  The energy at Panera is always good.  I think they must have a great training program because their staff is so pleasant and hospitable.
Friday, November 4:  Had an Awesome Garage Sale in the Morning.  It was a relief to clean out over packed closets and then see how excited others were to take it home with them.  Met lots of fun and interesting people.
Even More Awesome Afternoon When JD Got Pinned as a Lieutenant in the City Fire Department.  I am happy for him and even more so when I watch the support he and Pleasure give one another.
Saturday, November 5: An Earthquake in the Early Morning and Another Later That Night.  As of to date there have been 32 earthquakes and 14 aftershocks in Oklahoma.  It was the strangest sensation to actually feel the earth move under my feet and hear dishes clanging in the cupboards.
Sunday, November 6: Torrents of Rain and Tornadoes Visited Green Country.  I was beginning to think that the end days were near.

16.  I am grateful we are safe.

I hope you walk on steady ground today.  I hope your home stands strong.  I hope you delight in someone's success and enjoy a bit of your own as well.

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