Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Wordy Wednesday

First of all, thanks to all who responded to our invitation to donate bikes.  We will be sending out an official post with details soon.  We appreciate you!!!!

Now are you ready for today?  You have three choices.  But if you are feeling highly motivated you can, of course, attempt all three.  

From the phrases below, choose one to focus on today.  Make that phrase an active part of all your encounters.  I am encouraging you to be intentional; conscious about how you treat others and yourself and to honestly participate in Wordy Wednesday.  
This is a biggie!

Free will

The most difficult love to offer.

38.  I am grateful for the furnace that blows warm air through our house.

I hope your Wednesday, whether it is beginning or ending, be one of inner joy this day.  I hope amid the challenges and disappointments there is laughter.  I hope you can lay your head on your pillow tonight and sleep soundly and safely.

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