Friday, December 16, 2011

How God Made Me

I love the matter-of-fact way that children talk about their relationship with God.  They are willing to ask God questions without reservation, where we adults often feel inadequate to speak honestly before such a Great Mystery.

Muffin told her mother that she wasn't sure how God wanted her to look.

She thought maybe God wanted her to look like this...

or maybe this...

or this...

"What if God wants me to look like this?" Muffin pondered.

After making a number of faces for her mother to view, Muffin said, "Then I decided that God wants me to look like this."
So she did.

36. I am grateful for uninhibited honesty.

I hope your Friday gives you more than one reason to smile.  I hope you open yourself to The Mystery that makes you ponder.  I hope you will receive It's many faces.

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