Sunday, April 10, 2011

Getting Itchy

We live in a three bedroom home, which used to be the norm but now is considered inadequate by many.  Four bedrooms and more is what the public desires. I think I spend too much time watching HGTV or listening to the real estate news.  Whatever....

I decorated two of the bedrooms for the grandchildren: one is for the girls and one is for the boys.  It was fun to think of them while I was painting furniture and hanging pictures.... but after all is finally completed I am not satisfied with the girls room.  I am itching for a redo.  I can't decide to paint the walls or add some color elsewhere.  When I first laid out the plan for the girls room I was thinking all white with a pop of color here and there because it also serves as our guest room when we have some.   Now I walk by that room and think, "Boring."     

I was thinking of a chenille bedspread with bright flowers... you know... like grandma used to have.  And a different window treatment might add some flavor.

Any suggestions?

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