Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Second Time Around

I posted this story yesterday, but put a page break in it which may have kept some of you from reading the entire post.  Sorry.

I am giving it another try.  Would you please do the same?  I am hoping it will form a large blessing for a large family.

When I posted the story about my son's step daughter's bike being stolen and the reaction of compassion over judgment that JD had for the neighborhood girl who took the bike, many of you asked, "What happened?  Did JD actually get the children bikes? 

JD, in his bachelor days, on a much different bike

Here's the rest of the story....  After many unsuccessful attempts to contact the family, a weeks visitation of the flu, surgery to implant tubes in Tornadoes ears, a week's recuperation, and another week and a half of a nasty stomach virus shared among the family, the bike issue got put on hold.  But now that everyone is well, the search for bikes is in full operation.  Contact was made with the family in need.

There are nine children in the family, ranging in age from four-years to twenty-six years.  The twenty-six-year-old is a special needs adult who JD and Tara have hired from time to time to do yard work or wash cars or whatever jobs could be found to help Mr. A contribute to his family's income.

So here's my idea.  Why don't we help?  If each of us could donate one bike or the money toward the purchase of a bike we could give this single mom's nine children a Merry Christmas Morning. 

Cindy has signed up to purchase a bike.  He-man and I have contributed to the cause.  How about you?  Do you want to join us?

You may participate by clicking on the Donate button on the right sidebar of our blog.  Select your method of payment.  Deposit the amount you are willing to give.  If you have any questions, please contact me at Annan1@cox.net and I will gladly offer what ever I can to help.  Thanks!!!

37.  I am grateful for all that I don't need.

I hope your Tuesday greets you with a generous calm.  I hope you find a moment of true peace within the demands of this day.  I hope you get what you really want for Christmas.


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