Friday, January 27, 2012

Just Because

I went grocery shopping the other day.....ALL BY was a peaceful trip.  I actually got to hear people around me shop and talk.  Normally I have Tornado and Boo with me and my little Tornado tells everyone hi and bye and tries to jump out the buggy (not a cart - Texas people call them buggies, lol).  
I was sacking my groceries when I heard two women talking.  One was shopping and the other was behind the counter. The check-out-lady asked the shopper, "Who is all this chocolate for?" 

The shopper replied, "Its for my husband.  I'm going to rush home and put it right by his chair....on the little stand."  

The check-out-lady asked, "What's the occasion?" 

The shopper said, "No occasion  --  Just Because."

Those two words stuck in my head all day. 

So the next day when in the middle of my routine, I heard a voice in my head.  It said, "Just because, Why don't you invite Yaya and Poppa over for dinner?   Just because. NO OCCASION......JUST BECAUSE."
Have any of you ever done something just because  -- Just because you love someone, or because it's Friday, or because you know it would be awesome? 

Those two little words grabbed me unexpectedly.  Maybe they will grab you too.  I totally think that our JUST BECAUSE dinner could have been one of the best we have shared yet. 

Today, can you do something just because?

Have the best day!! 



  1. What a perfect idea! Thanks! Hope all is well with the family. One day I hope to meet you :) Have a super fantastic weekend!


    1. CAn't wait to meet you!! Tell that little boy of yours hello from Dreamer. Thanks for reading and keeping up with us crazy chicks. Tara
