Saturday, February 11, 2012

Babysitting Safety

I babysat for my son and his wife on Thursday while they took in a matinee and early dinner.  I hadn't seen their children in a while so I was excited to spend time with them.  I took my babysitting essentials: knitting, camera with a fully charged battery, a bottle of water, a bag of pretzel rods and valentine candy for the little ones.  I like to take a special peace offering in exchange for the obnoxious amount of camera clicks they endure.

I was surprised to see Little Miss Boo solidly sitting.  She would bounce in one spot and then launch herself forward in pursuit of a toy or dog or stray crumb dropped from the path of a passing Tornado.
She smiled widely, showing me her big girl teeth.  I felt like she had grown months in a matter of weeks.  
She seemed so much older.  So when I gave her a pretzel rod to gnaw on, I thought she could handle it.

Handle it she did.  She slobbered it smooth until no salt remained and then she bit off a chunk that snapped me from behind my camera lens into baby sitter quick response mode.
She was not hurt but a bit miffed that I would not let her eat the piece I had to dig out of her mouth.  She wasn't keen on giving it up so I gave in and let her slobber on the pretzel rod a while longer before I took her to her highchair to indulge in some quick dissolving especially-made-for-baby snacks.
Once in her chair she was all smiles again and the pretzel was but a faint memory.
Meanwhile Tornado snuggled with his big sister on the sofa hoping to push a button or two on her ipod.
Dreamer was content to lay with Copper while watching a movie and munching on oreos.  Oh, how I love saying yes to snacks... since I spent so much of my time as a young mother saying no to the sweet, non-nourishing goodies.
Tornado sweet talked his way (yes, he is talking) into a chocolate treat which at least allowed me to snap off a few shots while he was sitting instead of swirling.
Pretty as a little girl, isn't he.  And he has the curls to support it!

Before I left I persuaded the two little ones to sit on the sofa together for a picture.  I shot these before anyone took a tumble or the doorbell rang or Copper barked to go outside.  A purely miraculous moment!
66. I am grateful for sweet things.

I hope this day is one of rest, recreation, and rejoicing.  I hope you allow yourself at least one sweet indulgence.  I hope you spend time with people who make you smile, and sing you songs, and slobber their sweet goodness all around.

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