Friday, October 21, 2011

My Favorite Season

First of all, I want to thank you for commenting on yesterday's post.  I value your input and have taken your comments to heart. I hope to make some changes to my blog, such as how to post and respond to comments (haven't been able to technologically figure that one out yet).  And after hearing from you, there will be some things that remain the same.  Thanks for your help.


We had a freeze in Green Country last night, which is early for our neck of the woods.  When I heard the forecast, I grabbed my garden shears and headed straight to the rose bed.  


I had not cut any roses to enjoy inside all summer.  The unusually high temperatures over the summer kept me from giving my gardens the attention they normally receive.  But since cooler temperatures arrived last month, the flowers in my neglected gardens look as though they have been to a Baptist Revival... all happy and giddy with new life.

That's exactly how I feel about Autumn weather in Green Country - giddy with delight.

We spend more time on our patio, although much of that is in sweeping away the thousands of leaves that cover it daily.  We watch the squirrels go nutty gathering their stash for winter and the birds flying in comfortable abandon to the softer breezes that embrace their wings.

And like most of what I experience in life, my favorite season is a mixed bag.  While the mums are popping out in colorful masses the phlox and the lawn are dying back... changing from a variety of vibrant tones to a unified dry beige straw.

Maybe that's why we have different seasons... to heighten the unique gifts of each, or so we learn to appreciate different colors, textures, activity and song, or to rest from constant growing.  

6. I am grateful for sunlight on yellow mums.

I hope this day is one of your favorites.  I hope that what ever maybe dying or fading in your life be replaced with something of deep beauty and gentle embrace.

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