Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Pleasure's Post

.....I'm a Fireman's Wife.......

Being a fireman's wife means sometimes its just you and the kids. I have learned that everything happens when my J.D. is at the station. Breakers flip...oven timers go off in the middle of the night and cannot be turned back into your garage door trying to get somewhere in a hurry....the sky falls....the house falls apart..your daughter gets her first love note......the dog throws up on the carpet...the kids get meaner....laughing yet...Some of these things have really happened to me. J.D. can come in from a shift and its like the house is all good, no breakers flip, all the light bulbs work. Weird huh.....maybe its just his presence. Thats kinda how I feel when he is home...all good....complete. Some days he walks into the house and things are upside down and he gets whats left of me....

 So about 5 weeks ago Middle One invited me to take a bible study class. The name of the class is.... What's it like to be Married to Me?? This book and class has changed my life. Long story short....J.D. and I are going to church now. We love it. We are learning and growing and growing and learning. It keeps getting better and better. My children love it too. The one thing that I wanted to share with you is a quote that I read in the book. When I first read it I thought wow....what if we treat everyone this way not just our husbands but our children, friends, moms, dogs, all living creatures I wonder what the world would be like. It was really inspiring to me................. If you treat a man as he is, he will stay as he is. If you treat him as if he were what he ought to be and could be, he will become that bigger and better man. JOHANN WOLFGANG VON GOETHE

I loved that....

I hope today that you get an invite to go somewhere........... you never know it could be life changing. Thanks everyone for letting me bloggy blog this week you only got a couple of things I know...I'm a busy gal. Can't wait for Yaya to get back MAN I MISS HER......Maybe you will get to here more from me in the future. Till then enjoy our Yaya's Blogs....she's amazing....we are all so lucky to get to be apart of her everyday....LOVE LOVE...Thanks again....its been a pleasure..........................................................................................................................

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